•Are you a few pound heavier than you would like to be? ▪︎Would you like to get into a smaller clothing size?•Have you booked a holiday but not yet body confident?•Are you looking to maintain your current weight?•Would you like to learn more about healthy eating?
Are you looking for something different from a weight loss group, come and join #friendsonajourneyltd for a friendly, relax, social meeting with no pressure, just support, advice and friendship, I look forward to welcoming you.
I run independent local support groups across area, to support members struggling to lose and maintain their weight loss goals, I offer to support, motivate, and give YOU accountability to achieve your goals and maintain them. I'll help you embrace a better understanding and relationship with food and to learn that there is no such thing as a good and bad food, all food in moderation is healthy for us.
✨️✨️Between January 2022 and December 2022 the members of Friends On A Journey Ltd lost an amazing 178 stone 13.5 pound (2435.5lb) between them.✨️✨️
If taking control of your weight feels like an uphill struggle... Come and join us at #FriendsOnAJourneyLtd for the support and motivation of an understanding coach, who has fought those struggles (8st+ loss) and is managing them every day (photo below), therefore understands the difficulties life and emotions have on our choices.
Your weight loss dreams are achievable, and you'll learn to eat the food you love reaching your goals and then grasp the skill of maintaining, ending the yoyo dieting and mastering healthy eating every day, getting that successful balance.
Come join us, make TODAY a fresh start putting your health and well-being first.
I offer an independent weight loss support, for a monthly cost of £15.00 (£3.46pw this is cheaper than a Large Cappuccino at Costa), with no judgment, giving YOU the support and accountability, YOU require. I inspire and motivate YOU, helping to create new habits to make changes to guide you along your journey, enabling YOU to achieve your goals.
For more information, please visit the website www.friendsonajourney21.com
Take that first step, come join us. To ignite your journey to a happier healthier YOU.Taking time for YOU?
I look forward to welcoming you. #FriendsOnAJourneyLtd#caloriecounting #ww #slimmingworld #weightloss #weightlosssupport #weightlossmelton #weightlossgrantham #weightlosskeyworth #weightlossbingham #supportsmalllocalbuisness #meltonmethodistchurch #granthamalivechurch #keyworthcentenarylounge #binghamrufcpavillion #caloriecountinguk #weightlossmeetings #weightlossjourney #calories #caloriedeficit