A varied healthy diet furnishes all of the;
Energy we require to remain active throughout the day.
Nutrients we require for our growth and repair, assisting us to stay strong and healthy and to assist with the prevention of diet-related illness, such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, stroke.
Remaining active and eating a varied healthy diet can also support maintain a healthy weight.
Its important to embrace our Micronutrients as much as our Macronutrients, as deficiencies in key Micronutrients can lead to shortfalls of Vitamins A, B, C and E, and Iron and Selenium which can affect our immune system.
Achieving a healthy diet, is finding the right balance between different nutrients to maximise health benefits, a balanced diet generally containing foods from each of the following food groups;
fruit and Veg
Beans, pulses, fish, eggs, meat and other protein
Whole carbohydrates (Not refined) Wholegrain/wholemeal, high fibre
Some dairy/dairy alternatives
Small amounts of unsaturated fats
Water 6-8 glasses a day
Its important to have plenty of fibre in your diet, covering a variety of 30 different plants a week and 30g's of fibre a day.
Avoiding (UPF) Ultra Processed Foods where possible.
A healthy balanced diet can support us to;
Maybe live longer
Keep skin, teeth and eyes healthy
Supports muscles
Boost immunity
Strengthens bones
Reduces risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers
Supports healthy pregnancies and breastfeeding
Aids the digestive system function
Helps achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
Lets have a bit of fun quiz...
We can all achieve a healthy balanced diet promoting our health and well-being.